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The Masters Film Festival 2024 hosted by Dr. Robert Osher

Join the incomparable Dr Robert Osher for a showcase of educational surgical videos and related discussion. This year’s distinguished panelists will include: Dr Erik Mertens, Dr Ashvin Agarwal, Dr Romesh Angunawela, Dr Francesco Carones and Dr Richard Packard.

Registration is still open. Click to register and join the Masters Film Festival 2024.

WHEN: ESCRS 2024 | Sunday, 8 September | From 13:00 - 14:00 (lunch box included) 
WHERE: Room 8.0 B 

Welcome & IntroductionsDr Robert Osher
My Approach to Iris Claw Explantation: Tackling Refractive ChallengesDr Erik Mertens
Building Trust in High-Volume Cataract SurgeryDr Ahsvin Agarwal
Understanding Patient Needs: Achieving Full Range of VisionDr Romesh Angunawela
Patient Journey to Visual HappinessDr Francesco Carones
Masters Video Library: Your Resource to Master Ophthalmic SurgeryDr Richard Packard
Moderated discussionDr Robert Osher

Need more information? Get in touch with us.

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